About Good News for New Moms

As I wrote in the inaugural post of this project,

My experience has been that the present-day white evangelical church has a tragically poorly developed theology of new motherhood ... Therefore, I want to begin an attempt to, well, develop it. I want to try to answer some of the following kinds of questions:

  • What does God have to say about early motherhood?

  • What have been the norms around new mothers’ participation in the life of the church throughout church history? In the global church?

  • What practices of the church are most conducive to new moms’ flourishing? What practices harm them? How do we know?

  • How can the church be more inclusive of and empower to new mothers?

More than likely, in this project I’m going to ask far more questions than I ever (attempt to) answer. That said, I’d be honored if you join me for the journey as we ask, discuss, and maybe even discover together.

I want to be clear that I have no formal training or credentials in either birth work or theology. I’m a mom and a laywoman trying to think through intelligent questions, if not always answers, about new motherhood in the life of the church. I share this in the hope of setting clear expectations about the amateur nature of my work here - but I hope it may still be of some value.

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I'm working to define a theology of new motherhood in the life of the church. Join me?


living between Proverbs 26:4 and Proverbs 26:5 || faith, feminism, food, fiber arts